The audit by Least Authority revealed a critical vulnerability in the design described so far.

With a single vote server, therefore under the control of a single authority, the election results can be tampered without possible detection.

The Server Authority (SA) cannot modify the ballots because of their signatures and hashes, but it can withhold them.

Furthermore, if the SA colludes with the Election Creator and receives the seed phrase it may decrypt the ballots on the fly and filter them based on any desired outcome.

This attack cannot be detected because third party auditors cannot distinguish between a ballot discarded by the SA from a ballot never sent by an elector.

Distributed systems without central authority have the same issue. The solution is to introduce a consensus engine.

The updated design of the voting server is distributed. An election involves several servers under different authorities. As long as more than 2/3 of the authorities are honest (and do not filter ballots), the election is guaranteed to be correct.

Now, electors submit their ballot to any of the vote servers (of which there should be a minimum of four).

The workflow is described in the following sequence diagram:

    Elector ->>+ Node: Submit Ballot
    Node ->>+ CometBFT: Incoming Tx
    CometBFT ->>+ Node: Check Tx
    Node -->>- CometBFT: Signature, ZKP, etc Checked
    CometBFT ->>- Node: Return Tx Hash
    Node ->>- Elector: Tx Hash
    CometBFT ->> CometBFT2: Gossip
    CometBFT2 ->> Node2: Check Tx
    CometBFT ->> CometBFT: Add to Mempool
    CometBFT ->> CometBFT2: Propose Block
    CometBFT2 ->> CometBFT: Finalize Block
    CometBFT ->> Node: Commit Tx

The Vote Server is split into two binaries. The Node app zcash-vote-server and the CometBFT engine (cometbft)

The node receives ballots from the voting app like earlier but does not immediately validate / store them in its database.

Instead, the ballot is sent to the CometBFT engine as a transaction and it goes through the consensus workflow.

  1. It gets checked. CometBFT asks the Node to check for errors in the ballot. Ballots that include an incorrect ZKP or signature are immediately rejected. So are ballots that double spend voting power.
  2. If the ballot is valid, it gets added to the CometBFT mempool and gossipped to other servers. When another node receives a ballot, it goes through the exact same process.
  3. At a rate of around 1 block per second, the CometBFT collects ballots from the mempool and proposes a block
  4. Other validators cooperate to decide what block should be added. They use a distributed algorithm to make sure that the same block gets approved eventually.
  5. Once the block is finalized, its transactions are removed from the mempool
  6. The node commits the change to its database

At this point, every node has the same state.