
Election Domain Hash

Compute the edh from the Election name


fn main() {
struct VoteInput {
    sk: Option<SpendingKey>,
    fvk: FullViewingKey,
    pos: u32,
    note: Note,
    nf_start: Nullifier,
    nf_pos: u32,
    nf_path: MerklePath,
    cmx_path: MerklePath,
  • sk is needed if the election requires "Spend Signatures",
  • pos is the position of the note in the cmx tree1,
  • nf_start is the \(a_i\) of the interval \([a_i, b_i]\) where nf belongs,
  • nf_pos is the position of nf_start in the NF tree,
  • nf_path and cmx_path are the Merkle Path obtained in the previous step.

Calculate the domain nullifier dnf.

fn main() {
let dnf = spend.note.nullifier_domain(&fvk, &edh);


The output is a voting note.

fn main() {
struct VoteOutput(Address, u64);

Encrypted Note

The encrypted note corresponds to the CompactAction of Orchard. For reference, it is composed of the following fields.

  • zip-212 version byte: 1 byte
  • address diversifier: 11 bytes
  • address pkd: 32 bytes
  • value: 8 bytes For a total of 52 bytes.

It can be built using OrchardNoteEncryption from LRZ.

In pseudo-code

  1. Set rho as the nullifier (or domain diversifier on the Vote Chain) of the spent note
  2. Pick rseed with the OsRng
  3. Create an Orchard Note Note::from_parts(recipient, NoteValue::from_raw(value), rho, rseed)
  4. Encrypt the node
fn main() {
let rseed = RandomSeed::random(&mut rng, &rho);
let note = Note::from_parts(recipient, NoteValue::from_raw(value), rho, rseed);
let encryptor = OrchardNoteEncryption::new(None, output.clone(), candidate, [0u8; 512]);

Get the ephemeral public key epk, the encrypted note encand the note commitmentcmx`.

fn main() {
let epk = encryptor.epk();
let enc = encryptor.encrypt_note_plaintext()[0..52];
let cmx = note.commitment();
  1. Calculate the vote net value as input value - output value.
  2. Pick a random trapdoor value rcv
  3. Accumulate rcv over the transaction
  4. Derive the net value commitment
fn main() {
let value_net = spend.note.value() - output.value();
let rcv = ValueCommitTrapdoor::random(&mut rng);
total_rcv = total_rcv + &rcv;
let cv_net = ValueCommitment::derive(value_net, rcv.clone());

Randomized public key

  1. Pick a random scalar \( \alpha \) in Fq (scalar field of Pallas)
  2. Derive the spend authorizing key from the spending key
  3. Add \( \alpha \) and derive the public key
fn main() {
let alpha = Fq::random(&mut rng);
let spk = SpendAuthorizingKey::from(&;
let rk = spk.randomize(&alpha);

Zero Knowledge Proof

Collect the public data (instance data):

  • cmx_root, nf_root
  • cv_net
  • dnf
  • rk
  • cmx
  • edh

And the secret data (advice data)

  • dnf
  • nf_start
  • nf_path
  • fvk
  • spend_note
  • cmx_path
  • output_note
  • alpha
  • rcv

Then call the ZKP builder for the voting circuit as described in Circuit.

Ballot Action


  • cv
  • rk
  • dnf
  • cmx
  • epk
  • enc

and form the BallotAction

fn main() {
struct BallotAction {
    cv: Hash,
    rk: Hash,
    nf: Hash,
    cmx: Hash,
    epk: Hash,
    enc: [u8; 52],

Ballot Data

Collect all the BallotActions into a BallotData

fn main() {
struct BallotData {
    actions: Vec<BallotAction>,


Compute the sighash of the BallotData as

fn main() {
fn sig_hash(&self) -> Hash {
    let bin_data = serde_cbor::to_vec(&self).unwrap();
    let p = Params::new()

It is the Blake2b-256 hash of the CBOR serialization of BallotData with Personalization Ballot______Data.

Binding Signature

Use the sighash and total_rcv to compute the Binding Signature

fn main() {
let bsk: SigningKey<Binding> = rcv.to_bytes();
let binding_signature = bsk.sign(&mut rng, sig_hash);

Spend Signature

Sign the sighash using the public key rk, sighash and SpendAuth.

Ballot Envelope

Combine the Ballot Data, Binding Signature, Input Signatures and proofs into the Ballot Envelope.

fn main() {
type Signature = [u8; 64];

struct BallotEnvelope {
    data: BallotData,
    input_signature: Vec<Signature>,
    binding_signature: Signature,
    proofs: Vec<Vec<u8>>,

Send to Server

Serialize BallotEnvelope as CBOR and send the bytes to the Voting Server.


Relative to the registration window, not to the activation of Orchard.


Or domain diversifier af