
The Ballot is the data sent from the Client to the Voting Server that represents a vote for a candidate/question or a delegation to another user(s).

The voter partially use their voting power by adding a "change" vote output similarly to standard payment transactions.


The BallotEnvelope is the binary representation of the ballot.

It has the following data.

  • Ballot Payload (see next paragraph),
  • Binding Signature
  • ZK proofs of the Ballot Actions


The Ballot Data is the non-malleable part of the Ballot. The SigHash is calculated on the Ballot Data.

It is a vector of Ballot Actions.


The Ballot Action represents an individual transfer of voting power. It burns a previous output and mints a new one. If there are more spends than outputs, the action includes dummy data. Dummy notes have a value equal to 0.

The Ballot Action has the following fields.

  • cv: Value commitment,
  • rk: Public key of the rerandomized authorization key,
  • nf: Input Note Election domain nullifier,
  • cmx: Output Note commitment,
  • epk: Ephemeral Public Key
  • enc: Encrypted New Note

Note that it does not have cout and enc does not have a memo.


In addition to the BallotData that is public information, the ballot app has the notion of a VoteInput and VoteOutput in the decrypted Vote.

A Vote Input has the following fields.

  • sk: The spending key used to sign the input,
  • fvk: The corresponding full viewing key,
  • pos: The position of the note in the note commitment tree,
  • note: The note as an Orchard plain note,
    • address
    • value
    • nullifier (in the Zcash chain)
    • random seed
  • nf_start: The lower bound of the nullifier range where this note belongs,
  • nf_path: The Merkle Authentication Path for nf_start
  • cmx_path: The Merkle Authentication Path for the note commitment cmx


A vote output has the following fields:

  • address
  • value

(no memo field)

Encrypted Note

The encrypted note is the encryption of (d, pkd, value) using the same algorith as Orchard.