Applicant background
I am a frequent contributor in the zcash community.
Description of Problem or Opportunity
There are several possible applications besides elections
- referendums
- polls
- airdrops
- proving ownership of a balance of coins
With this scheme, users can keep their funds shielded at all times. It is not necessary to move funds before or after voting.
Voters can delegate their voting power to other electors.
Proposed Solution
- Use Orchard notes to prove balance
- Leverage Halo 2 and implement a voting mechanism based on the Orchard transaction system
For more details, refer to the section Design and the Example section.
Solution Format
The Election Authority setups a Voting Server
and Voters can vote using their shielded Orchard coins.
Wallets such as Ywallet
has a voting pannel,
users vote by virtually sending ZEC to a candidate
or a delegate. Their balance does not change.
The implementation is described in the section Implementation.
Technical Approach
sequenceDiagram actor Election Authority actor Elector Election Authority->>Vote Server: Election Definition Elector-->>Vote Server: Get Election Definition Elector-->>Zcash Blockchain: Send Transaction Elector-->>Zcash Blockchain: Sync Notes Zcash Blockchain-->>Zcash Holders: Transactions Elector-->>Vote Blockchain: Submit Vote Elector-->>Vote Blockchain: Sync Votes Vote Blockchain-->>Elector: Votes Election Authority->>Vote Server: Tally Results Vote Server->>Election Authority: Vote Counts
The Technical Approach is described in the section Design
Collaboration and Upstream Dependencies
The project depends on the Rust crates:
- librustzcash
- orchard
- halo2_proofs
- halo2_gadgets
Only orchard has source code dependencies, the other are library dependencies.
Execution risks
There is little execution risk since a prototype was made (with a few limitations), and several elections were carried out.
The participation was high, several hundred thousand of ZEC were used in the votes.
Unintended Consequences
I do not see any unintended consequences.
Evaluation plan
Any organization or individual can use these tools to start an election or poll the community of Zec Holders.
Coins that want to airdrop Zcash holders (such as Namada) could use this too.
Finally, Exchanges could prove their balance in ZEC using this code.