
Public Parameters

  • Anchor (cmx): cmx_root
  • Anchor (nf): nf_root
  • Value Commitment X, Y
  • Randomized Public Key X, Y
  • Election Domain nf
  • Note Commitment cmx
  • Election Domain Hash

Secret Inputs

  • Nullifier Range Lower Bound: nf_start
  • nf_start Nullifier Merkle Path: nf_mp (nf_pos + nf_path)
  • cmx Merkle Path: cmx_mp (pos + auth_path)
  • Value Commitment Trapdoor: rcv
  • Spent note (old)
    • rho: nullifier of the action that created the note (not the nullifier of the note)
    • psi: derived from rho and rseed and used for cmx and nf
    • rcm: also derived from rho and rseed and used for the value commitment
    • nf = nullifier of the note, derived from the full viewing key
    • v = value of the note
    • address: gd and pkd. gd is derived from the address diversifier d.
    • cmx: derived from address, v and psi
  • Signature rerandomization
    • alpha
  • Address integrity
    • full viewing key: ak, nk, rivk
  • Output note (new)
    • rho = nullifier of spent note
    • psi = rseed.psi(rho)
    • rcm = rseed.rcm(rho)

Actions are pairs of spends & output (with dummies if needed). The rho of the new note is the nullifier of the spent note.


Before the snapshot, rho is the Zcash Nullifier. After the snapshot, rho is the Election Domain Nullifier.


Merkle Path Validity

  • cmx_mp is a Merkle Path from cmx to cmx_root
  • nf_mp is a Merkle Path from nf_start to nf_root

Value Commitment

\[ cv = \operatorname{ValueCommitment}_\mathsf{rcv}(\mathsf{vold} - \mathsf{vnew}) \]

Nullifier Integrity (old note)

\[ \mathsf{nf} = \operatorname{DeriveNullifier}_\mathsf{nk}(\rho, \psi, \mathsf{cmx}) \]

Domain Nullifier Integrity (old note, after Snapshot)

\[ \mathsf{dnf} = \operatorname{DeriveDomainNullifier}_\mathsf{nk}^\mathsf{edh}(\rho, \psi, \mathsf{cmx}) \]

Spend Authority

\[ \mathsf{rk} = \mathsf{ak} + \alpha * G \]

Address Integrity of Old Note

\[ \begin{align} \mathsf{ivk} &= \operatorname{CommitIvk}(\mathsf{ak}, \mathsf{nk}, \mathsf{rivk}) \\ \mathsf{pkd} &= \mathsf{ivk}.\mathsf{gd} \\ \end{align} \]

Note Commitment Integrity

The old and new notes must have a note commitment of:

\[ cmx = \operatorname{NoteCommitment}( \mathsf{gd}, \mathsf{pkd}, \mathsf{v}, \rho, \psi) \]

  • gd comes from the diversifier d (part of the address);
  • pkd is part of the address;
  • v is the value of the note;
  • \( \rho, \psi \) are derived from the random seed, rseed of the note.

Therefore to calculate the note commitment, you must know be able to decrypt the note.

Range Check on nf

  • nf in [nf_start, nf_end]
  • nf_end = nf_path[0]

Other Orchard Constraints

net_cv = v_old - v_new cmx_root = advice nf_root = advice nf_pos is even



The Voting Circuit is very similar to the Orchard Circuit. The definition of DeriveNullifier, NoteCommitment, etc. are the same.

DeriveDomainNullifier is new though.

\[ \begin{align} \operatorname{DeriveNullifier} &= ( \operatorname{PH}(\mathsf{nk}, \rho) + \psi).\mathsf{Nk} + \mathsf{cm} \\ \operatorname{DeriveDomainNullifier} &= ( \operatorname{PH}(\mathsf{nk}, \operatorname{PH}(\mathsf{edh}, \rho) ) + \psi).\mathsf{Nk} + \mathsf{cm} \\ \end{align} \]

where PH is the Posseidon Hash.

The parameters of PH used in the Orchard circuit is proven secure for hashing two elements of Fp, not three.