
Blockchain Data

From zcashd, zebrad or lightwalletd, download Blocks or CompactBlocks and extract the OrchardAction

fn main() {
type Hash = [u8; 32];

struct Action {
    nf: Hash,
    cmx: Hash,

async fn download_blocks_lwd(url: &str, start: u32, end: u32) -> Vec<Action>;
async fn download_blocks_zcashd(url: &str, start: u32, end: u32) -> Vec<Action>;

Orchard Hash Function

The commitment tree hash function that combines two nodes or two leaves is the following.

fn main() {
/// Orchard hash of two nodes of the CMX tree
pub fn cmx_hash(level: u8, left: &Hash, right: &Hash) -> [Hash] {
    let left = MerkleHashOrchard::from_bytes(left).unwrap();
    let right = MerkleHashOrchard::from_bytes(right).unwrap();
    let h = MerkleHashOrchard::combine(Altitude::from(level), &left, &right);

where level is 0 for the leaves, and increments by 1 on every layer.

If the tree has an odd number of leaves, it should be padded by adding an empty leaf with the "empty leaf" hash value.

fn main() {
/// Empty Orchard CMX hash
pub fn empty_hash() -> [u8; 32] {

Logically speaking, the tree is a binary tree of depth 32 and starts full of empty leaves. The cmx_hash combines leaves on depth 0 to depth 1, then depth 1 to depth 2, and so on so forth, until we reach the root.

At this point, every level of the tree has the same value obtained by hashing two identical values from the previous layer.

As nodes are added, they replace empty leaves, progressively from the position 0. However, empty subtrees have the same hash value as before.

Merkle Root

The Root hash of the tree is a public value. Transactions must include it in their transactions.

It must match the root hash calculated at the end of a block (from zcash or vote chain).

Merkle Path

The Merkle Path is the combination of the following data.

  • The value of the leaf (cmx or nf),
  • The position of the leaf (starting at 0 for the first leaf),
  • The list of 32 ommers. They are the sibling nodes on the direct path from the leaf to the root.

The Merkle Path is an input to the ZKP circuits and should not be sent out.

fn main() {
pub struct MerklePath {
    pub value: Hash,
    pub position: u32,
    pub path: [Hash; DEPTH],

pub fn calculate_merkle_paths(
    positions: &[u32],
    hashes: &[Hash],
) -> (Hash, Vec<MerklePath>);


where DEPTH = 32

calculate_merkle_paths takes a list of leaf positions and the list of leaves and calculates the Merkle Path for every leaf position given.

CMX Tree

The CMX Tree is the Merkle Tree where each leaf is the cmx value from the Action in the order they appear on the Blockchain.

NF Tree

The NF Tree is the Merkle Tree of nullifiers. They must be sorted and a list of complement intervals created. \[ \forall i, n_i \not\in \bigcup {[a_i, b_i]} \]

Nullifiers are integers in the base field of the Pallas curve.

fn main() {
type Nullifier = Fp;

fn build_nf_ranges(nfs: impl IntoIterator<Item = Nullifier>) -> Vec<Nullifier>;

build_nf_ranges returns a list of flatten intervals as a list \([a_0, b_0, a_1, b_1, \dots ]\).