Initial Peer logic

We are getting close to our handshake. In this section, we'll work on the Peer actor and implement a simple state machine.

The peer actor has to react to events coming from our application side and from the remote node. Because of this, it doesn't follow a linear behavior but reacts in response to outside inputs. The best way to code this type of behavior is with a state machine.

class Peer(connection: ActorRef) extends FSM[Peer.State, Peer.Data] with ActorLogging {
  import Peer._

  startWith(Initial, NoData)

  when(Initial) {
    case Event(Tcp.Received(data), _) =>"Received ${Hex.encodeHexString(data.toArray)}")

    case Event(_: ConnectionClosed, _) =>"Peer disconnected")
      context stop self

object Peer {
  trait State
  object Initial extends State

  trait Data
  object NoData extends Data

For the moment, the peer has just one state. It enters the Initial state with has no associated data and stays there. This commit just shows the structure of an actor state machine in Akka.

Next: Parse the messages involved in the handshake