
To implement the handshake we need to add a new state to the Peer state machine that is reached after the handshake completes.

The peer moves from "Initial" to "Ready" once it receives both Version and Verack messages from the remote peer.

The progress of the handshake is captured in a data object associated with the Initial state.

case class HandshakeData(height: Option[Int], ackReceived: Boolean) extends Data

It starts with (None, false) and changes when we receive Version and Verack. Since we don't know the order we are getting them, the check for completion is in both branches. It matches the data against having a height and having received the ack.

private def checkHandshakeFinished(d: HandshakeData) = d match {
  case HandshakeData(Some(height), true) =>
  case _ =>

On a transition to the Ready state, we send the Handshaked message to the parent of the peer that is to say the peer manager.

context.parent ! Handshaked(nextStateData.asInstanceOf[HandshakeData].height.get)

This completes the first part of the tutorial. We have now a node that can connect to a peer and successfully complete the handshake.