Example 9 - Failure


This is the same as the previous example but we disable transparent inputs. The transaction fails because it cannot pay for the fees.


Amounts are in kzats (1 kzats = 1000 zats = 0.01 mZEC)

Let’s consider the following orders:

order #TSO

The number is the quantity for a given address type.

  • Order 1 is a t-addr for 10

Suppose we have the following notes:

  • T: 0
  • S: 12
  • O: 10

Note Selection

Let’s assume we choose (Sapling, Orchard, Transparent) in the Pool Usage Order.

We begin with (0, 12, 10) in each pool respectively.

  • Order 1: we use 10 from S-pool. Now we have (0, 2, 10)

Fee ZIP 327

In the T-pool, we have

  • 0 input,
  • 1 output for Order #1

In the S-pool, we have

  • 1 input,
  • 0 output

In the O-pool, we have

  • 0 input,
  • 0 output
  1. T-pool contributes 1 logical actions = max(0, 1).
  2. S-pool contributes 1 logical actions = max(1, 0).
  3. O-pool contributes 0 logical actions

The number of logical actions = 2 and the fee is 2 * 5 = 10

However, we haven’t paid for the fee, and we haven’t considered the change outputs yet.

Paying for the fee and making change outputs

We pay for the fee using 2 from S-pool and 8 from O-pool, following our pool usage preferences.

We also have change outputs:

  • S: we used 12, pay 10 to Order #1, pay 2 in fees, we get 0 change
  • O: we used 10, pay 8 in fees, we get 2 in change

These outputs add up to the transaction and modify the fee.

  1. T-pool contributes 1 logical actions = max(0, 1).
  2. S-pool contributes 1 logical actions = max(1, 0).
  3. O-pool contributes 1 logical actions

The number of logical actions = 3 and the fee is 3 * 5 = 15

Let’s adjust for the new fee.

But we cannot pay the additional 5 in fees since we only have 2 left.

Final transaction

Transaction failed because of unsufficient funds (cannot pay fees)

If we add another orchard note worth 10, we get the final transaction:

  • Inputs: all notes are used
    • S: 12
    • O: 10, 10
  • Outputs:
    • Order 1: T/10
    • Change: O/2
  • Fee: 20

The analysis is left as an exercise.


  1. T-pool contributes 1 logical actions = max(0, 1).
  2. S-pool contributes 1 logical actions = max(1, 0).
  3. O-pool contributes 2 logical actions = max(2, 1)