There are several ways to use a warp sync in your project.

The simplest way is to go through the RPC API. Install and use warp sync as a server or a microservice for synchronization and account maintenance.

In this case, you should use the REST API published on SwaggerHub . It is also available here in the section REST API.


First of all, you have to compile the server with cargo.

  • Make sure you have downloaded the ZKSNARK parameters. If you have a working installation of zcashd, the parameters are already downloaded and available. If not, use the script fetch-params.sh
  • Then run the following command
  cargo b -r --bin warp-rpc --features=rpc 

It’s typical 100% Rust project.


Then set a configuration file Rocket.toml.

  • allow_backup: enables the API that shows the seed phrases and should not be turned on for public servers,
  • allow_send: enables the API that builds and signs transactions, and should also be restricted for public servers.

A typical configuration file looks like:

allow_backup = false
allow_send = false

yec = { db_path = "./yec.db", lwd_url = "https://lite.ycash.xyz:9067" }
zec = { db_path = "./zec.db", lwd_url = "https://mainnet.lightwalletd.com:9067" }

WarpSync supports multiple coins and multiple accounts, therefore you need to set an active account before calling the account methods.