
Note Commitments

When someone makes a transactions and therefore creates output notes, they are encrypted. Even when they are spent, notes are not revealed because that would also give the transaction that created them.

In fact, we could imagine a scheme where the notes are not stored in the blockchain but only the zk proofs. Of course, it implies that clients have another way to retrieve the encrypted output if they don’t store it themselves.

In any case, the point is that when a transaction output, or note is created we cannot blindly trust that it does not double spend or just has a value that exceeds the inputs.

In a public blockchain, full nodes can verify every transaction and ensure that they are well-formed. But if the transaction is encrypted, it is impossible to check them.

Thanks for zero knowledge proofs, we have now the technology to create cryptographic proofs that the outputs follow the protocol rules without knowing precisely their value.

But the ZKP is not enough. When we want to spend one of our note, we must also show that what we spend is indeed a previously unspent output.

The usual tool for that is the cryptographic commitment.

Whenever you want to show that you know something but you don’t want to reveal it at the moment, you can use a commitment.

A commitment scheme works in two phases.

  • You “commit” to your value by calculating a “commitment value”. You publish this value for everyone to see.
  • When you want to show that you have the value, you reveal it and people can check that the commitment value matches the published commitment.

For it to work, the commitment value must be:

  • binding: You must reveal the right value. If you reveal something else, the commitment value will not match.
  • hiding: The commitment value is public but it must not give any information that could reveal the source value.

In Zcash, the note commitments ensure that when the notes are used, they refer to outputs of previous transactions.

Output notes are encrypted but their commitments are public.

Note Commitment Tree

Note commitments are put in the Blockchain and the order in which they appear defines the order in which they added to a binary tree of height 63. This tree is called the Note Commitment Tree. Every zcash node agrees on the same commitment tree since it only contains public information.

This tree has millions of leaves. They are never removed or modified. Therefore the tree keeps growing and is not prunable at the moment.

If you receive a note from a transaction, the note is yours and you have the note that matches the commitment. However, only a small fraction of all the note commitments are yours. The rest belong to other users.

When you want to spend a note, you must prove that it was a previous transaction output. The way you prove that is by showing that the note commitment is in the tree.

Now, showing that your note is in the tree without telling which note it is, is difficult.

It requires some cryptographic tools.

Merkle Tree

We want to show that we have the note that matches a commitment that was transmitted earlier and is now part of the tree.

This will also explain why the note commitments are stored as a tree and now as a plain list.

The note commitment tree is organized as a binary tree. For each non-terminal node, i.e. internal node, there are two children. The tree has a fixed depth of 63, for a total of 2^63 commitments. However, at this moment, there are about 20-30 million notes used. The vast majority of the leaves are unused. Unused leaves have a commitment value of [0; 32] (32 bytes of 00).

The inner nodes are hashes of the two children. Since each child is a hash value (the leaf is also a hash value), they all have a size of 32 bytes.


To get the value of an inner node, concatenate the hash value of the left node and the right node to form a 64 byte sequence and hash it.

Here’s a small general Merkle Tree:

It has only 3 levels and therefore can store $2^3=8$ elements

In the case of the Merkle Tree for the note commitments (NCT), the layer $T_x$ is omitted because the data are already hashes.

Ex: $H_{EF} = \text{Hash}(H_E, H_F)$, where the Hash function is defined in the next section.

$$H_{ABCD} = \text{Hash}(H_{AB}, H_{CD})$$ $$H_{ABCDEFGH} = \text{Hash}(H_{ABCD}, H_{EFGH})$$

Also, the NCT stores notes incrementally: previous entries are never removed or modified. We just assign an empty slot to a new commitment in the order they appear in the blockchain.

We can see that the root of the tree, $H_{ABCDEFGH}$ depends on the value of every note commitment.

Every time a new note gets added, the root hash will change. And because all the nodes are hash values, it is impossible to predict in advance the root value.

Also, the NCT is tracked by every network participant and is part of consensus. We can query the current root hash from zcashd.

If we were only interested in the security of the note commitments, we wouldn’t need to build a Merkle Tree. We could simply build a list from all the note commitments and hash them at once, as a sequence of bytes. If any of the commitment is altered, the overall hash would also change.

Instead of having all these intermediate hashes, we would have a single hash value that combines all the hashes together. The calculation would be much faster because only one hash would have to be computed.

But a Merkle Tree has a major advantage if you want to prove that a value belongs to the set of hashes.

If you had the hash of the list, to prove that a value is part of that list, you must:

  • give every value of the list,
  • have the verifier calculate the hash
  • check it equals the “official” root hash
  • check that the value you provided is in the list

Obviously, Giving 20-30 million hash values is not practical.

With a Merkle Tree, we can reduce that amount of data to only 63 hashes.

Let’s say we want to prove that $H_E$ is part of the tree.

We start by giving $H_E$. In this scenario, the receiver does not have $H_x$ but only knows the root hash.

In addition to $H_E$, we also give the “Merkle Path”, which is the list of the sibling hashes from the leaf to the root

In our case, that would be $H_F$, $H_{GH}$, $H_{ABCD}$. The direct path is $H_E$, $H_{EF}$ and $H_{EFGH}$, but we want the siblings.

The receiver/verifier can then recompute the direct path using the Merkle Path:

  • $H_{EF} = h(H_E, H_F)$,
  • $H_{EFGH} = h(H_{EF}, H_{GH})$,
  • $H_{ABCDEFGH} = h(H_{ABCD}, H_{EFGH})$

The last hash is the root. If it matches, $H_E$ belongs to the tree.

We cannot fool the verifier because every data we provide is a hash. A main property of the hash function is that it computationnally impossible to find different values $(a, b)$ than $(H_E, H_F)$ such as $H_{EF} = h(a, b)$

Therefore we are forced to give the real hash values if we want to match the root hash.

In Zcash, this Merkle Path is an input to the Spend Statement ZKP that we cover briefly in the last section.

Pedersen Hash

As you can, the NCT contains a large number of hashes and needs to be updated every time a new note is added. The hash function used is a Pedersen Hash.

The Pedersen Hash function securely maps a sequence of bits into a point on an elliptical curve, (Jubjub for Sapling).

It is much more expensive to compute a Pedersen Hash than to compute a SHA or a Blake hash, due to the finite field arithmetic involved.

But it can be implemented in a ZK circuit more efficiently than a classic hash function.


For every UTXO that your wallet has, the app needs to update the Merkle Path when we receive new outputs. Even if none of the outputs are ours. With the growth of transaction outputs, we have now several million notes that have to be processed in every wallet.

Warp Sync Optimizations

The main goal of Warp Sync is to minimize Pedersen Hash calculations and especially avoid recalculating the same hash twice.

When you have several notes in your wallet, there is a good chance that they have part of their Merkle Path in common. A non-optimized implementation would treat each note independently and update the witnesses by recomputing their Merkle Path sequentially.

Warp Sync rebuilds the Merkle Tree in parallel, and distributes the hash values to the note. It ensures that the calculation are spread out across all the CPU core and that the witness updates are essentially data copies.

Another advantage of doing hash calculations on the NCT instead of on the witnesses, is that WS can use a cryptographic optimization, that reduces the number of field divisions.

Spend Statement ZKP

In the case of Zcash, the Merkle Path is not published and stored in the blockchain but serves as a secret input to the ZKP spend statements. Essentially, we state that we know the Merkle Path for the note we spend but we don’t reveal it.