Account Creation
Generate a Seed Phrase
Using the zcash-warp
command prompt, generate a new 24-word seed phrase:
zcash-warp〉generate-seed 09/22/2024 11:44:54 PM
bus abandon spell scout nuclear bamboo mystery scare network sentence intact north charge level choose family mule design tobacco night online sad invest bleak
zcash-warp〉 09/22/2024 11:44:54 PM
Your seed phrase will be different from this one.
Create a new database
If you are using zcash-warp
for the first time, you have to create a new database
zcash-warp〉create-database 09/22/2024 11:51:21 PM
Create a new account
Then, create an account using that seed phrase.
zcash-warp〉account create "bus abandon spell scout nuclear bamboo mystery scare network sentence intact north charge level choose family mule design tobacco night online sad invest bleak" "DEMO" 1
zcash-warp〉 09/22/2024 11:51:54 PM
- The 2nd argument, "DEMO" is the name of the account.
- The 3rd argument, 1, is its birth height. We are saying that there are no transactions on this account before block 1. The app does not need to process the blocks before.
On Mainnet, using a birth height is highly recommended because it can save you a lot of time.
Its balance should be 0 at this point.
zcash-warp〉balance 1 09/22/2024 11:52:18 PM
Balance: BalanceT { transparent: 0, sapling: 0, orchard: 0 }
zcash-warp〉 09/22/2024 11:52:18 PM
Let's query this account addresses.
Every account has 7 different addresses:
- a transparent address,
- a sapling address
- an orchard only Unified Addresses
- and UA that combine 2 or 3 receivers: T+S, T+O, S+O and T+S+O
We ask for an address with the command address <account> <mask>
- The first account has number 1.
- The mask is the sum of 1 for Transparent, 2 for Sapling and 4 for Orchard. For example, if you want the transparent & orchard UA, use mask=5 because 5 = 1+4.
zcash-warp〉address 1 5 09/22/2024 11:56:58 PM
Address: uregtest1jk5cs77cx43humsmyd3f7eah0lvgvhuy8k3hhdgn6rmeu60933vljv2ytrasaf3d5utfz5mxzgwu8jhlg665d4j4v5e5clvkjjv3eks0wy8kjf75zqzl3vm3y2w4e96qzlkhc73yg3w
zcash-warp〉 09/22/2024 11:56:58 PM
Your address will be different if you are using a different seed.
Next, we'll mine some blocks, collect the block reward and send some funds to the Zcash-warp wallet.