Example 6: T2Z (Sapling)


Amounts are in kzats (1 kzats = 1000 zats = 0.01 mZEC)

Let’s assume we choose (Transparent, Sapling, Orchard) in the Pool Usage Order which means we’d rather use our Transparent notes first and keep our Orchard notes.

Suppose we have the following notes:

  • T: 50
  • S: 50
  • O: 50

Let’s consider the following order:

order #TSO

The number is the quantity for a given address type.



By default, the transaction will not cross from shielded to transparent. We need to set the privacy policy to AnyPool.

We should enable the usage of the transparent pool and disable the usage of the shielded pool.

Otherwise, the transaction will be z2z as it is more private than a t2z.

We’ll skip the detailed explanation from now on.

Final transaction

  • Inputs:
    • T: 50
  • Outputs:
    • Order 1: S/10
    • Change: T/30
  • Fee: 10